Lobitos 1

Piscina, Muelles, Lobitos, El Hueco, Baterías



- The construction of houses on the sand negatively affect the cycle of sand accumulation, needed for the wave formation. They intervene with the wind, which also accumulates sand on the beach. - The construction of oil wells and oil platforms on the sea close to the surf break. Petroleum gas pipes cross the beach. - Pollution due to possible petroleum leakage.


Protection status:

Money Raised:

S/. 20000 out of S/. 20000

Collaborating Company:



See map here

Directorial resolution:

See resolution here


See complete list here
Priority surf breaks to Protect
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An initiative organized by Peru’s National Surfing Federation and Conservamos por Naturaleza of SPDA, in partnership with:
If you are interested in being a partner or supporter of Hazla por tu Ola, see this presentation and contact us .