Puerto Viejo: “Inmobiliaria Desarrolladora” Continues to Contribute to Beach Care


“Inmobiliaria Desarrolladora”, main sponsor for the Puerto Viejo wave protection, whose case file has already been presented to the Navy, is working with the Universidad Científica Del Sur, and the San Antonio district Municipality (Cañete) to allow the enforcement of a cleaning project and educational activities in order to promote the care and conservation of the beach.

On Sunday 17th March, the first cleaning activity was carried out. Around 500 kilos of trash (recyclable and non recyclable)  were collected. People attending to the beach were stimulated throughout games and entertainment on how to carefully handle solid residues. With an emphasis on the usage of polyethylene, such as tecnopor, plastic bags, between others. The following cleaning activity has been projected to be on Sunday April 7th.

Volunteers from the “Unidad de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria de la Científica” (University corporation for Social Responsibility), were chosen by Inmobiliaria Desarrolladora due to their very well known engagement to ecology and experience in promoting environmental awareness for sustainable management. 50 students from “La Científica” University participated as part of their program “Yo juego limpio por la playa” (I play fair for the beach), which has been successful in many beaches to the South of Lima.

Inmobiliaria Desarrolladora and La Universidad Científica del Sur are  working together aiming on shortly doing workshops and talks in order to coach the officials from the San Antonio, Cañete Municipality, with the goal of improving the inadequate management for solid residues in the area.

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An initiative organized by Peru’s National Surfing Federation and Conservamos por Naturaleza of SPDA, in partnership with:
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